Hyman Hendler Ribbon Collection: Vintage Ribbons and Trim
Our Vintage Novelties Ribbon Collection, consist of Jacquards, Brocades, Florals, and Stripes in combinations of Satin and Grosgrain, Satin-Grosgrain-Moiré, Satin and Velvet – stripes and plaids, with plain or scalloped edges.
We have designed and had loomed for us, Ribbons and Trims, by some of the most renowned, respected and sought after mills in France, Italy and Switzerland, many of whom are no longer in business. At Hyman Hendler & Sons, you can find a very large selection of many different kinds of Ribbons, in Natural Fibers, such as, Cotton, Rayon, Silk, Linen, and Wool, from your most Basic Ribbons, such as, Grosgrain, Grosgrain Moire, Satin, Picot Taffeta, Velvet in Taffeta and Satin back. Our Basic Ribbons are available in a wide variety of widths and colors.
New at Hendler's:
Our Stylist and Ribbon Couturier will walk you through on trend ideas to heat up, and customize this season's wardrobe pieces or home decor. Mix and match, multiple changeable ideas to make your own "Chic Convertible Couturables".
Make a fashion statement all your own. Then change it up; day to night, one day to the next, or whatever suits the moment or your mood.
Be your very own designer or let us help you with ideas!

Martha Stewart, a long time customer of ours, features our striped ribbon on the cover of the Spring 2012 Wedding issue. Always on trend, our fabulous striped ribbon makes this bouquet something the most discerning bride would be thrilled with.
But our ribbons do much more than enhance floral arrangements! Our Ribbons are used by designers in many different ways and for various purposes: in fashion manufacturing industries, garments, ready to wear, footwear, home furnishings and décor, gift packaging, floral bouquet's, crafts, displays, accessories, to name just a few.
See our ribbons featured in Martha Stewart Weddings Spring 2012 (View Slideshow)
Come and visit our shop, referred to by many as a Museum of Ribbons, Department Store of Ribbons and A Shop of Just Beautiful Ribbons.
We are located just off Fifth Avenue, right on the Pulse of the Garment Industry at 142West 38th Street selling Ribbon and Trim, both to the Retail and Wholesale Markets in the Historic Garment District of New York City.
Thank you very much for visiting our web site,
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Hyman Hendler & Sons
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Please be advised, not all colors on our basic sample cards are in stock in all widths.
Please inquire and we will advise availability.